About Us:
October 2005
I. THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF NEGOTIATION ASSOCIATIONS (NCNA) was established 6/20/2001 consisting of the following agencies:
California Association of Hostage Negotiators (CAHN)
Crisis Negotiation Association of Wisconsin (CNAW)
Delaware Valley Negotiators Association (DVNA)
Florida Association of Hostage Negotiators (FAHN)
Illinois Crisis Negotiation Association (ICNA)
Indiana Association of Hostage/Crisis Negotiators (IAHCN)
Louisiana Assoc. of Crisis Negotiators (LACN)
Metropolitan Area Crisis Negotiators Association (MACNA) (DC/MD/VA)
New England Crisis Negotiators Association (NECNA)
New Jersey Crisis Negotiators Association (NJCNA)
South Carolina Crisis Negotiation Association (SCCNA)
Texas Association of Hostage Negotiators (TAHN)
Western States Hostage Negotiators Association (WSHNA)
II. The associations and conferences represented within the NCNA speak for a combined total membership of over 5,000 crisis (hostage) negotiators and play a key role in providing operational guidance and training for negotiation practitioners nationwide.
III. Given the fact that in 1973, the NYPD created, developed, and instituted police negotiations practices the revolutionized policing nationally and internationally, New York State is noticeably absent in the listing of established associations.
IV. Given the unique dynamic of a large population in New York City and the demographic diversity that exist throughout the state, New York law enforcement has a vast amount of experience in crisis situations that beckons to be shared and critiqued for training purposes. Networking and information sharing is an invaluable tool to promote best practices in crisis situations.
V. New York law enforcement agencies cannot join as a voting member to any of the established associations,as prohibited by each entities by-laws. Therefore, it is necessary for the creation of a New York Association.
VI. In cooperation with the NYPD (Lt. Jack Cambria), the Monroe County Sheriff's Office (Commander Sam Farina), the Rochester Police Department (Lt. Charles Loray & Sgt. Norma Marchetti), the New York State Police (Senior Investigator Al Morse) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an Association for New York Hostage Negotiators is hereby created.
VII. A meeting of the above members would determine the establishment of the Association by selecting an executive committee to conceptualize the mission and vision and formulate by-laws for introduction to law enforcement and correction agencies within New York State and Canada.
IX. Upon development of the Association, a conference would be organized to formally incorporate this body, as well as offer an opportunity for annual training for New York and Canadian law enforcement agencies to enhance crisis negotiations skills and practices.
X. The Association should also have the ability to participate in the national conference or assembly of the National Council of Negotiation Associations for purposes of debating policy, practices, guidelines and procedures that influence a national standard for negotiations.
XI. Upon creation of the Association, recognition of the incorporation would be recognized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the other established Associations.